Wednesday, March 31, 2010

2 months, 5 days

The time until the Boulder Sunrise. I was in DC this past week during my spring break. For the first time in a long time, I was on a road bike. We rode around the city, climbed some urban "hills," but it got me all fired up to start riding here in Boulder...oh and when I came back, it was 78 degrees outside, blue skies. I have a new shifter for my bike to replace the broken one and I'll be out riding. old stage here I come!!!

Tonight we are running and doing some kind of talk at Fleet Feet about shoes, running, etc. Should be interesting. Excited about random factoids that will help my running, maybe all I need is a pair of shoes with magical powers.

Monday, March 15, 2010

ohh I'm going to get my...

butt kicked today at training. I didn't go for my run this weekend and let me be extremely honest, I did not eat the best foods for me this weekend either. I felt slothful and a little bit lazy and I absolutely hate that feeling, especially after such a great week. Can I blame it on the weather? No! Saturday was gorgeous, but I was not feeling it at all. Instead I dyed my hair, watched Grey's Anatomy, ate a Caprese sub at Half-Fast (quite delicious), danced to a Mirimba band at the Draft House Saturday night...and Sunday almost felt like a repeat a little bit, except this day included church, mid-afternoon coffee, and learning the Argentine Tango for 2 and a half hours during the night. So I guess it wasn't a totally lazy weekend, but as far as training is concerned I slacked a great deal. Can't dwell on it though, just be prepared for an extremely difficult week of training.

Well, here's to Monday!

Friday, March 12, 2010

swim, swum, swam and a little victory

It's 910am and I've been up for 4 hours already. As my alarm clock on my phone went off at 508, I miraculously hopped out of bed, put my bather, sweatpants, fuzzy boots and puffy jacket, grabbed half a banana with a T. of crunchy peanut butter (mmm delicious) and headed out. It only took me 8 minutes to get to the gym, realizing green lights and no traffic are a gift at 525.

Here comes the other surprise, I got on the scale and I'm at 142 (4 pounds less than when I started this little blog/training extravaganza) so that was totally encouraging and I am feeling stronger, well that was quite the motivation to get in the pool and do the advanced swim workout on our schedule. The workout was a challenge, but again, it just felt good. I did not lift weights yesterday (which I was supposed to do...), so I felt fresh as I got into the pool. 2200 meters total, a few drills, some speed work, but still just building endurance. The hardest part for me is really remaining in this "midline," centering the stroke around this. It is exceptionally difficult towards the end of the workout as I'm tired and sometimes I feel myself getting sloppy in the stroke (or maybe the sloppiness tends to happen in the middle, I notice it, and change it), but either way, there is a point in the workout where I don't look like a swan like I would like to in the water.

Looking forward to a Saturday of hard, but fun workouts, but tonight, I'm going to enjoy the rest of this gorgeous day!!!

Oh, p.a. last night when I came home, I made this delectable Southwestern potato (I haven't had a russet potato in years, but the combo of southwestern flavors was such satisfaction) and oh, I got to enjoy the other half of the potato with said toppings this afternoon for lunch. Being a vegetarian rocks.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I could go for hours

Last night was a "baseline" night as far as workouts are concerned, staying between a 70-75% HR. I ran for about 20 minutes on the treadmill, can I just say once more that treadmills are so boring? It's almost excruciating. It is mind boggling to me how people can run on treadmills for hours at a time, I could do that outside (I think), but inside, I'd fall asleep and probably fall off the treadmill...and well, I actually HAVE fallen off a treadmill before. It was scary and hilarious...

So after the run, I went upstairs to the spin room for a spin class (Jeff, our "coach") was teaching it. Because it was a baseline training day, I would have to take it semi-easy, but still push myself. We watched a video of the Saguaro National Park in Arizona, which was pretty but I was more focused on thinking about what my first road ride will look like when my bike is fixed and the weather is warm enough.

well to say the least, once we started riding, out of the warm up into the ride, I just felt like the energizer bunny, keep going and going and going. My body felt good, my legs felt strong, I was energized and thought I could last through the night, I guess that's what it is about sometimes, letting the mind takeover even when the body feels great.

Monday, March 8, 2010

My first brick

So tonight we did a "brick." A term that I'm sure most triathletes/duathletes, or just straight up athletes know the term. Well, only after a description of what this is, did I realize what I got myself into.

Let's say that today after work I was extremely tired, especially since a certain 6 year-old decided to pass along his highly contagious conjunctivitis to me. OH the joyous perks of working with elementary school kids who are not the best hand-washers in the world and love to spread germs. Sweet. So I was pretty tired and not thrilled about this aforementioned brick that we were doing at training tonight.

Well, here it is, we warmed up, did some "dynamic stretching" (what I remember as plyometrics in high school, but to each his own), ram for a good 20 minutes, got on the bike for another 25 minutes, and then ran for 20 more minutes. wow-just writing it down makes me feel tired. But it was good, I ran with 3 other people that kept a great pace-my tendency is to speed up or slow down and Im not the best at maintaining pace. I think that having these other people will be a great motivator as well as teach me to continue to check my pace and be willing to keep a steady pace as we build endurance throughout the training. Stretching, totally important and tomorrow is a day that will begin with some morning stretches. I love it, but for now, I'm about to enjoy a piece of pumpkin bread that I made and drink tea (let's face it, my nutritionist told me nothing to eat 2 hours before going to bed, but who are we kidding, I did my first brick today. small piece. small pleasure).

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Running is boring. I don't really like it. I liked it when I ran cross country because I had my friends running beside me, chatting, gossiping, not really concerned with how many miles we had to run that day, but just the enjoyment of conversation, laughter, and sometimes a little Sheryl Crow's Soak up the Sun thrown in there every now and again...

I ran on the treadmill Saturday morning and it was lame. Let's be honest, treadmills are just lame in general, maybe Ill like running when I go outside this week, but I would have rather walked for 2 hours than run for 33 minutes that I decided to run. Good thing I was listening to Enter the Worship Circle so at least I was able to praise the Lord as I ran, and thank Him that I have good and healthy legs to run on, to carry me, to run the race. Thank you God for giving me this body, today, to take care of, to push, to challenge, to nourish, and to repeat it all over again, day after day, moment after moment. It's good.

So tomorrow, tomorrow will be a new day, a new day of challenges, another triathlon class, and hopefully some good laughs throughout the day.

Til then, this tired body will find rest and be renewed as the sun rises once again tomorrow morning...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

oh the bather...

Wearing my one piece bather reminds me of a certain camp, OZARK, I attended every summer for 10 years, plus a couple more years in my college days to be a counselor. This is where I learned to embrace the one piece. Hence, I'd rather strut around the Y in this one piece any day than showing off this pasty white tummy I have going on.

Well, last night we had another swimming technique session. Although I received some encouragement on my stroke and that I'm staying afloat and don't look like I'm just trying to keep my head above water, there are so many things to be thinking about as we supposedly "glide" through the water. Dangit Natalie Coughlin, you make it look so easy...

Well after about an hour of swimming, working on technique and drills, I was ready to get out of the pool. Jeff, our "coach", for the next 16 weeks, is really encouraging and I think is going to push, challenge, and encourage each one of us. Each day of training, I'm excited and encouraged by the people around me who are stretching themselves, working hard, and striving towards a goal.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Triathlon Training

I'm taking this triathlon training class at the Y and am so excited about it. I'm pretty sure for the next four months this is mostly what I'm going to be writing about...whether it's the workout, the challenges, the the meals I prepare, the joys and funny stories...whatever it may be, I just want to document the whole training process.

Here I am, 146 pounds, not very strong or having tremendous endurance, but I'm so excited about this triathlon, the journey, and the new friends I'll be training with. It's going to be one adventurous and bumpy ride.

Monday night was our class time--we talked to a massage therapist about the benefits of getting massages regularly through the training process...ummm, yes please! Sign me up. When they talk about sports massages, it's like they are talking about **actual** athletes, not amateurs who are just trying to finish my first triathlon...well whatever, I'm still looking forward to this massage when I'm all sore and tired from training.

I also thought I was an ok swimmer, I can keep my head above water, do flip turns, kick and breathe all at the same time...incredible. Oh, but last night we had a workout from one of the lifeguards that just proved to me how much work my stroke actually needs, you don't realize all the technical elements of swimming until you have someone to point out all the wrong you are doing. Not pulling enough with my we put on this "parachute" thing and used the buoy to to pull and well, without fail, I realized how slow I was moving because I don't use my arms as efficiently as I could be...Well that's one leg of the triathlon that I'm going to be working on for quite some time...probably the next four months.

Oh I'm also, just to encourage myself going to be checking with weight changes, BMI changes, nutrition, etc. Stay tuned, it's going to be a wild ride.