Saturday, October 9, 2010


this morning i attended a weight watchers meeting. my first ever. i wasn't sure what to expect, but when you look in the mirror and still aren't happy what you look like, despite the triathlon, the swimming and all the exercise, something still isn't adding up. so i'm giving this a try. it'll be interesting, but i want each day to be a little victory. an exploration of new foods and creations that are healthy options, appropriate portions and enjoyable. i want to enjoy food and not be so concerned with what exercise regimen i have to do the next day to burn it off, but to enjoy at the time because i've eaten the right foods, the right portions, feeling satisfied and not gluttonous. I've realized how much of a glutton I can be in so many ways and I think to myself and justify that it is okay because I see people around me doing the same, but that doesn't make it okay. as i'm studying the body, especially watching and working with clients who are elderly, i look at the choices that are made early in life and how that effects their health, their body, the entire aging process. i visited my beautiful grandmother the other day and each time I see her, I see beauty and simplicity and strength at the age of 88. she has very quickly become a woman who i would like to reflect in my life. she takes care of herself, is so even kiel, healthy, and loves her husband so well. She is not quick to anger or judge. She is beautiful. starting on weight watchers is for myself, but i think it's to begin really taking care of my body in more ways than one so that when i am my grandmother's age, may i be a woman who is still in good shape, healthy and a joy to be around. i think it begins now...not waiting for too long to see the life that i want to live. thank you mimi, you beautiful soul.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I came across this reflection from my church in Boulder tonight and I can't help but share it. As I'm still getting accustomed to a new city, new people, new school, new places...
I have so many questions about love...what is it? how is it expressed to new people? how is it perceived by those people? how is love experienced by different people? do we really recognize it when it's being sent our way?
Why is love able to pierce the soul and when I don't want to love, God steps in and loves for me. And what a concept to be completely drained, but continued to be filled by a God who calls us to Himself so that He can be glorified in love that conquers and that the world says, "that shouldnt be" and God says, oh but it can be and will. Time after time, I realize my efforts to love are insignificant compared to what God is able to do through me.

Just thinking about love...

"The love for equals is a human thing--of friend for friend, brother for brother. It is to love what is loving and lovely. The world smiles.

The love for those less fortunate is a beautiful thing--the love for those who suffer, for those who are poor, the sick, the failures, the unlovely. This is compassion, and it touches the heart of the world.

The love for the most fortunate is a rare thing--to love those who succeed where we fail, to rejoice without envy with those who rejoice, the love of the poor for the rich, of the black man for the white man. The world is always bewildered by its saints.

And then there is love for the enemy--love for the one who does not love you but mocks, threatens and inflicts pain. The torture's love for the torturer. This is God's love. It conquers the world. "

--Frederich Buechner, The Magnificent Defeat

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

summer tips!

After the triathlon in June, I've had trouble feeling really motivated, especially in the heat and without a specific goal in mind. I've thought about doing another triathlon in Louisiana in September but because I'm not there, the motivation factor is definitely not there. Well, I just ran across this article and although they are pretty simple suggestions, I think it might be just what I need...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Open Water Simulation not as easy as it sounds....

Last night we did a swim workout-some drills, some longer distances and ended with what Jeff assured us would be FUN. And of course, it was! We got noodles out-simulating of course the arms and legs flailing around in the open water, plus some I thought I enjoyed swimming but now it's turned into a game...and who doesn't love games that involve some level of competition? So swimming just became a bit more challenging and tiring! Swimming a few strokes and then lifting your head out of water just so you can still think you are in line with your target--sitings, if you will of these 6 foot buoys we are to be looking for in the race. I say middle of the pack, try to not to get kicked in the face and just have some FUN...isn't that what this is all about, or is the hokey pokey what it's all about...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

run down, defeat and a dash of spring fever

I didn't feel encouraged last night until after the workout when I was surrounded by my friends who, even in the midst of my physical struggles during training, they tell me that I can do it. They've seen the progress, the work and the ambition, but when I'm in the middle of the pool and feel like drowning, those voices and all the hard work I've put in seems to go away when I'm struggling that much.

This is not about defeat, it's about the limitations of the human body. And I'm ok with the fact that my limitations are different than others, but I hit a wall last night. I don't know if it was because my mind was, what it seemed like, in an entirely different place and I couldn't focus on what was in front of me. The fact that my mom had surgery or that 2 kids at my school broke an arm and a finger within 2 hours of each other, well let's not get into all the other stuff that was probably filling up my brain last night while in the pool that made me feel like I weighed 200 pounds while in the pool...sigh.

Enough rambling, today is a new day. It's raining and let's be honest, spending so much time in Georgia, running in the rain is in my top 5 things I love to do. No iPod, no music, just me, my spandex and the rain pouring down...oh not to mention sopping wet shoes and the hot shower I get to take after the run. April showers, you are precious to me...with or without a rain jacket. Speaking of running, I'm going to Moab today with several others and although I don't mountain bike (as it is the mountain biking capital for those west, and for that matter, east of the Mississippi), I wonder why exactly it is that I'm going. My sweet roommate today reminded me that there are several terrific trails to run down, to go spend time in Arches National Park and well Laura and I will spend quite some time painting while we are there. Looking for that inspiration that takes me out of my Boulder self and takes me somewhere new. New trails, new adventures...if only for the weekend. I think it will be good for training purposes to shake it up a bit, get out of Boulder, and just have fun. Get back in touch with some of the reasons why I'm doing this race and spend time with some outrageously genuine and funny people.

be my potter and i'll be Your clay. mold me and make me something beautiful for You.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

another brick tonight


the weather is beautiful, not too windy, blue skies, temperature seems close to perfect and we are doing our first outdoor brick tonight.

A little run, a little bike and another run.

This is going to be good. However, I do have a little bike maintenance that needs to happen before the ride tonight. Thank goodness for Mazanti who got me a new shifter and put it on the bike for me. I'm so fortunate to have friends that are so skilled in bike maintenance. I should have taken advantage of this a long time ago. I have so much to learn. What is going to happen if I leave Boulder and still don't know exactly how to change a bike tire, properly that is...

Well, here's to another brick, another day of training, and a few chocolate covered almonds that I'm about to enjoy...
protein + good fat + chocolate = rocking that brick tonight :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

genuine encouragement

We talked about transitions last night for the race. Transitions seem to be an event in themselves. How to put your bike on the rack, where to place your towel so your feet are drying, how to begin taking the wetsuit off while putting your helmet and sunglasses on. I'm afraid of getting disqualified for not clipping my helmet on before the mount line. So many things to consider in a triathlon. However, I'm just going to start practicing and folding all of my clothes neatly in the locker when we do bricks so I can change quickly and practice those know it's obviously not JUST about athleticism.

After talking about the transitions, we got into the pool to do a bit of a speed workout for the night. Because I hadn't been in the pool since last Tuesday I was nervous about how strong I'd be in the water. However, I'm feeling stronger and a lot more fluid in the water. But at the end of the workout, Jeff, our coach, was extremely encouraging with my form and how I've improved over the past month or so! This is such a boost of encouragement and even the other women said that they were in the water and Jeff had used my stroke as an example for them.

I just have to say for those that aren't super fast in the water, just dive on in, have fun with it, and work hard.