Wednesday, April 14, 2010

another brick tonight


the weather is beautiful, not too windy, blue skies, temperature seems close to perfect and we are doing our first outdoor brick tonight.

A little run, a little bike and another run.

This is going to be good. However, I do have a little bike maintenance that needs to happen before the ride tonight. Thank goodness for Mazanti who got me a new shifter and put it on the bike for me. I'm so fortunate to have friends that are so skilled in bike maintenance. I should have taken advantage of this a long time ago. I have so much to learn. What is going to happen if I leave Boulder and still don't know exactly how to change a bike tire, properly that is...

Well, here's to another brick, another day of training, and a few chocolate covered almonds that I'm about to enjoy...
protein + good fat + chocolate = rocking that brick tonight :)

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