Thursday, January 21, 2010

change gears...

Triathlons are not a big deal in Boulder. They are something you do on the weekends for fun, sometimes they are challenging, but most of the time, it's just a nice "warm up" for the freak athletes that live in this town. Well, since I've always wanted to do a triathlon, I figure that I better do one in Boulder before I leave this town. Over the next few months I'll be training, with a friend, for the Boulder Sunrise Triathlon. I'll be raising money to support a cause of choice. The non-profit I'm racing for is iEmpathize.
As I train I want to be thinking about all the children who have been abused, victimized, and sold into the child sex slave industry. I don't want this triathlon to be about me. I want the focus to be on the victims of such a heinous crime. I want to advocate for them through this race and to use the body that I have been given to race for this organization.

Isaiah 1:17 again:
learn to do good,
seek justice,
correct oppression,
bring justice to the fatherless,
plead the widow's cause.

My hope is that one day I will go to Cambodia to fight against these injustices, in the meantime, I'm going to train with all I have.

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