Saturday, January 2, 2010

i know who I am

I easily get wrapped up in my own thoughts.

Sometimes they keep me up at night.

I've been reminded of truths recently that have reminded me of this: all that I am and all that I will ever be lies in the pages from Genesis to Revelation. These are the defining factors of who I am that will never change, they have been true from the beginning and will remain true til the end. Unchanging. They will never become obsolete.

i am a child of God (john 1:12)
i am Christ's friend (john 15:15)
i am united with the Lord (1 corinthians 6:17)
i am bought with a price (1 corinthians 6:20)
i am a personal witness of Christ (acts 1:8)
i am the salt and light of the earth (matthew 5:13-14)
i am a member of the body of Christ (1 corinthians 12:27)
i am free forever from condemnation (romans 8:1-2)
i am a citizen in Heaven (philippians 3:20)
i am a new creation (2 corinthians 5:17)
i am a minister of reconciliation for God (2 corinthians 5:18-20)
i cannot be separated from the love of God (romans 8:35-36)
i am hidden with Christ in God (colossians 3:3)

my troubled heart finds rest in these words.
when i look at these lines, i can feel the beating of my heart; a heart that once was cold, but daily is melted by the warmth and gentleness of christ.

listening to explosions in the sky as i finish writing this and it seems perfect.

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