Sunday, March 7, 2010


Running is boring. I don't really like it. I liked it when I ran cross country because I had my friends running beside me, chatting, gossiping, not really concerned with how many miles we had to run that day, but just the enjoyment of conversation, laughter, and sometimes a little Sheryl Crow's Soak up the Sun thrown in there every now and again...

I ran on the treadmill Saturday morning and it was lame. Let's be honest, treadmills are just lame in general, maybe Ill like running when I go outside this week, but I would have rather walked for 2 hours than run for 33 minutes that I decided to run. Good thing I was listening to Enter the Worship Circle so at least I was able to praise the Lord as I ran, and thank Him that I have good and healthy legs to run on, to carry me, to run the race. Thank you God for giving me this body, today, to take care of, to push, to challenge, to nourish, and to repeat it all over again, day after day, moment after moment. It's good.

So tomorrow, tomorrow will be a new day, a new day of challenges, another triathlon class, and hopefully some good laughs throughout the day.

Til then, this tired body will find rest and be renewed as the sun rises once again tomorrow morning...

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